Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Alright, I am about to start working on a project to investigate techniques and tools aimed at assuring open source software quality: my aim is to define the right methodology to detect defects in Open Source software, an then translating it into a working platform to design high-quality Open source software systems .

It is no more an utopia nor a rumor to say Open Source software is more and more playing a critical role in changing the old software business model, it is actually shifting the paradigm which has dominated the IT industry, hence nations' economies.

This growing phenomena is due to a range of factors, from socio-cultural to finance and technology itself. It has grown to a point where we no more hear about TCO ( Total Cost of Ownership) only but also about what is called ( Total Utility Ownership ) TUO, further more the concept of freedom of choice in a world where monopolies are no more accepted can only add more value to Open source, added to this it is a “ life” system completely open to criticism and improvement , Open source technologies will have a major impact in tomorrow' s IT world

I envision my project consisting of both an experimental and theoretical components.

The experimental part will help in defining , designing and building means for Open Source software quality improvement.

The theoretical aspect will be an extensive work of gathering information on the subject the summary of it will be used it defining the road map of this passionating project..



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Karim,

I wish you a good luck for your project.


5:13 AM  

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